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Welcome to our blog - The Gram.
A quick shout out to all the other small businesses, and the many people involved, who have been forced to reinvent themselves in a matter of weeks. Particularly, to those that haven't had the option to open right now and face the certainty of further uncertainty. We're all in this together and one thing which is becoming more evident everyday, is the tremendous community support for local businesses. Hang in there everyone!
So, you've found our new website and ordering platform. It's all new to us, so a little patience and leniency would be appreciated! It also carries a lot of additional costs - both in set up and ongoing transactional fees. This has translated into some small price increases for our products, we hope you can understand.
We are committed to the well-being and safety of our staff and customers and as such the original Gramercy will be closed to the public and operate purely as a production and packing facility until further easing of restrictions. In between times we have set up the Gramercy Collection Depot directly across the road from Gramercy at no. 465 Adelaide Road.
We hope to smooth demand a little and allow all of our customers the ability to safely and conveniently order their favourite goods. The workplace and distancing restrictions will limit our ability to produce the volumes we might have done in the past, particularly on Saturdays. With that in mind, we would encourage those that can to order earlier in the week, to please do so.
At this stage, we are offering a limited range of our sourdough breads and croissants. We are not in a position to offer our regular coffee service. Rest assured, we are actively considering how we might implement this in the near term.
We have taken a step back and thought deeply about how we can best serve our community, customers, & staff and while this is not quite a return to normal, hopefully it goes some way to returning a level of normalcy to your week.
A big thank you for all the messages of support and encouragement over the last month or so. We hope to see you soon.
The Team at Baker Gramercy